Saturday, February 21, 2009

Get involved: your political leaders will listen!

Super Sunday Bowl-so what can one do before this game? Well, go to your Congress person's open house! Morning again and time to check the online headlines for Fort Collins on the Coloradoan website. What-our new House Representative from the 4th Congressional District of Colorado, Betsy Markey, is having an open house from 1-4 pm downtown?

Well, yeah I'm going! Betsy Markey had a full house. Professors from CSU who are serving on the Governor's P-20 Educational Committee, a teacher friend and former principal of mine, Ken Bennett, now serving as Betsy's communication director and many more constitutents from the 4th Congressional District, were all excited to talk with Betsy on her first trip back to Colorado since becoming a representative. I made my way up to Betsy, so I could have a few words and put that "Advocating for Foreign Languages" thought in her head. ( I knew that she holds a top security clearance and she traveled extensively to U.S. embassies and consulates. Betsy received the State Department’s Meritorious Honor Award for creating their first computer security training program.) We had a wonderful exchange. I found out her daughter is a French minor at Berkeley. (ah, a link). She listened attentively and took my card. Hoping to talk with her when I go to Washington, DC during JNCL in May. Thank you, Congresswoman Markey for your time!

Speaking of hob-nobbing with legislators, February is Discover Languages Mont
h. ACTFL has provided a Discover Language E-card for the purpose of thanking others for their support or encouraging them to join the cause, etc. You can send the card to colleagues, parents, administrators, politicians etc. But the real power is to turn this card loose and have students, parents, other teachers, etc. join in the cause and also send ecards. The viral aspect of using this card in that capacity, helps others feel empowered to make a difference and be involved. Thanks ACTFL!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Boy Scouts are international, too.

One never knows when the opportunity to advocate for more language learning may occur. Such as the case when one of my students asked me to speak at his "Court of Honor" for his Eagle Scout badge. Andrew, truly an international afficiando, has traveled to many places in the world. His most recent trip was to South Africa. He has already shared many his adventures and his new learnings with his friends. There is nothing like a peer telling about her/ his perspectives that will get others to listen and believe. He always comes back with interesting cultural insights and perspectives. I know that scouting has instilled in him the concept of respect. Yes, respect for people, for languages, for ideas, for culture and for the land. A big shout out to his parents for encouraging Andrew to pursue his Eagle Scout badge and for taking him to many parts of the world.
So needless to say I was truly honored to speak at this event. I gave a short message to honor Andrew in his accomplishment of becoming an Eagle Scout, for being an international citizen and for continuing his language studies in French.
So one never knows when the occasion will arise to speak about and advocate for language learning. So in front of parents, many other adults, other scouts and young Cub Scouts receiving their first badges I encouraged all to stay in touch with the world and gain greater respect by learning languages. This was a fun evening. Thanks Andrew for inviting me to do this and congratulations again. By the way the spaghetti and the cake were great.